(as Ratified September 2019)

ARTICLE I: Name and Membership

Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the National Association of Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs (hereinafter referred to as NACLEC).

Section 2

Voting Membership in the Association shall consist of the Chief of Law Enforcement, or the equivalent position, of any state or federal agency having primary responsibility for administering and/or enforcing state or federal conservation laws, or any official who, by job description, acts for the chief in their absence. Any voting member must be a sworn law enforcement officer. “State” means a state of the United States, and the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, Territory of Guam, American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. “Federal” means the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service or other agencies as approved by the Executive Board.

Section 3

Non-voting membership may be granted in accordance with Bylaws adopted by NACLEC.


The purpose of the Association shall be to protect and promote sustainable use of fish, wildlife and other natural resources and enhance public safety through education, community involvement, partnerships and law enforcement. This will be accomplished by providing a medium for the exchange of views and experiences; fostering collaboration, cooperation and coordination among natural resource organizations; promoting a professional and diverse workforce; developing future conservation leaders; creating diverse partnerships; and increasing public support by promoting the role conservation law enforcement plays in enhancing quality of life.


Section 1

Officers of NACLEC shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and immediate Past President. The Executive Board shall be composed of the aforementioned officers, one at-large voting member elected at the annual meeting, and one member each of the four Regional Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs’ Associations (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, and Western).

Section 2

Elected officers shall serve a two-year term and take office on the first day following the annual meeting at which they were elected, and hold office until the last day of the annual meeting at which their successors are chosen. Officers shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same position unless approved by a majority vote of the membership.

Section 3

When an officer of NACLEC, including a member of the Executive Board, is no longer eligible for membership as provided by Article I, Section 2 of this Constitution, the office held by such officer shall become vacant.

Section 4

Vacancies in any office shall be filled as provided by the Bylaws adopted by NACLEC.

Section 5

The election of officers shall be held at the last general meeting of the year preceding a new term of office. Candidates may be voted upon by secret ballot unless there is only one candidate for the vacant office, in which event a voice vote shall be taken. The candidate receiving a majority of votes cast for each vacant office shall be declared the winner.

Section 6

In the event of a retirement, resignation, removal, suspension, or inability to serve in an elected office, the office shall be declared vacant. The remaining officers shall then advance to the next highest office in order of ascension. If the Vice-President ascends to the presidency, that Vice President shall serve for the remainder of the vacated term and shall be eligible to serve as President for the next term.

In the event the Immediate Past President is unable to serve out his/her term, the President shall appoint, subject to majority vote of the Executive Committee, an active Past President to serve the unexpired term.

ARTICLE IV: Staff and Other Assistance

Section 1

The Executive Board is authorized to employ such firms or persons and to make such expenditures as are required to permit the orderly conduct of NACLEC business, provided, that no financial obligation shall be incurred by the Executive Board in excess of reasonable anticipated revenues without the express consent of NACLEC.

Section 2

With approval of the Executive Board, NACLEC may accept such assistance in personnel, services, data, and material or funds as may be available from state or federal agencies, interstate agencies, foundation, individuals or any appropriate source.

Section 3

Executive Director: The Executive Director is hired by the Executive Board. The Executive Director has the responsibility for carrying out the organization’s goals and policies. The Executive Director will attend all board meetings, report on the progress of the organization, answer questions of the board members and carry out the duties described in the job description. The Executive Director may sign checks and enter into agreements which are necessary to carry out the objectives of NACLEC as directed by the Executive Board. The Executive Director is accountable to the Executive Board and shall work closely with the Board to fulfil its objectives. The Executive Board can designate other duties to the Executive Director as necessary. The Executive Director serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board.

Executive Assistant: The Executive Assistant is hired by the Executive Board, and is supervised by and accountable to the President. The Executive Assistant will carry out all duties described in the job description. The Executive Assistant serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board and works closely with the Executive Director.


Section 1

All actions on motions, resolutions or other NACLEC business at the annual meeting that requires a vote shall be by voice vote, except when a roll call vote is requested by at least three voting members.

Section 2

In all matters before NACLEC, each member shall be entitled to one vote.

Section 3

The Executive Board may call for a vote outside the annual meeting on issues they deem necessary using appropriate means (e.g. mail, fax or other electronic means).

ARTICLE VI: Duties of Officers

Section 1

The President shall be the principal executive officer of NACLEC and Chairman of the Executive Board. The President shall provide general direction, supervision, and control of the business affairs of NACLEC. The President shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and Executive Board. The President shall appoint such standing and special committees as are authorized by these laws, the Executive Board or NACLEC. The President may sign any contracts or other documents which the Executive Board or the membership has authorized to be executed, excepting cases where the signing or execution has been expressly

delegated by the Executive Board, the members, these bylaws, or statute to some other officer or agent of NACLEC.

Section 2

The Vice-President shall act as President in the absence of the President, and in the event of a vacancy in the office of President, shall act as President until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting. When acting in that office, the Vice-President shall perform all the usual duties of President. At any meeting, if neither the President nor Vice-President is present and/or able to serve, the quorum of the Executive Board present may select a temporary presiding officer with power to appoint committees and conduct the business of the meeting.

Section 3

The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend and keep a record of all meetings of NACLEC and meetings of the Executive Board; keep all documents and other property of NACLEC; make all necessary arrangements for the annual meeting and special meetings as directed by the Executive Board; prepare a summary of the annual meeting and special meetings, and distribute the same to the membership, and have custody of the funds of NACLEC subject to the direction of the Executive Board. If so directed by the Executive Board, the Secretary-Treasurer shall give bond, the premium to be paid by NACLEC. Provided, however, that all of the above duties with the exception of custody of the funds of NACLEC may, upon approval of NACLEC or its Executive Board be delegated to an Executive Assistant upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Board. The Executive Board may also, upon approval of NACLEC, retain such additional staff assistance on such terms and conditions as have been approved by NACLEC to conduct the business affairs of NACLEC. In the event these duties are delegated to the Executive Assistant the Secretary-Treasurer shall annually audit the financial accounts and provide a summary at the annual meeting.

ARTICLE VII: Committees

Section 1

The Executive Board, a majority of which shall constitute a quorum, shall have power to transact business for NACLEC; cause to be prepared the agenda for the annual meeting; and cause to be prepared summary minutes of its meetings to be submitted to NACLEC within 60 days after the completion of the meeting. In general, the management of NACLEC shall be vested in the Executive Board insofar as such management is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution or the Bylaws of NACLEC. The Executive Board shall, upon majority vote, have the authority to call special meetings of NACLEC, but only when the President fails to do so upon request of a majority of the Board. It shall, by majority vote, fill all officer vacancies except that of the President.

Section 2

The Executive Board shall meet at least one time per year, and any other time when such meeting is called by the President. The Executive Board may establish rules and procedures for the conduct of business affairs of NACLEC in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws. Such rules may include the use of the official seal and insignia of NACLEC, and procedures governing

budgets, receipts, custody, disbursements of and accounting for all NACLEC funds. Rules adopted by the Committee shall be published and distributed to all members

Section 3

The National Association of Conservation Law Enforcement Leadership Academy (NCLELA) Steering Committee shall be appointed for the purpose of providing oversight and direction to the academy. The National Conservation Law Enforcement Leadership Academy (NCLELA) Steering Committee shall be composed of the Executive Board, the Executive Director, at least two of the current year academy peer coaches and no more than five additional members as selected by the Executive Board. The five additional members shall be selected from a pool of interested candidates from NACLEC member states. The Steering Committee shall annually.

Section 4

The President may appoint such special committees as may be required from time to time to carry out the purposes of NACLEC. Special committees may take all necessary steps to perform their assigned work, but may take no action which is binding on NACLEC without the approval of the Executive Board. All committees shall present a report of their progress to the Executive Board prior to each Executive Board meeting. All committees shall prepare a written report covering any recommendations for action by NACLEC prior to the end of each calendar year, and at the time the committee is dissolved. No committee member or chair may incur expenses payable by NACLEC without the unanimous authorization of the Executive Board.


Section 1

The Executive Board shall meet annually for the purpose of election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. The annual meeting will be scheduled by the Executive Board.

Section 2

General membership meetings may be held at such times and locations as may be deemed by the Executive Board to transact business as may come before the meeting.

Section 3

Special meetings for any purpose or purposes may be called by the President, or by a majority of the Executive Board, and shall be called by the President upon written request of twenty-five percent of the voting members. Only the business specified in the call and notice may be transacted at a special meeting.

Section 4

Notice of special meeting of NACLEC shall be sent to each member in advance of the meeting and shall contain the place, date, time, and purpose of any annual, general membership or special meeting.

Section 5

A voting member may designate any other voting or active member to serve as proxy, providing such a designation is made in writing and delivered to the President before the meeting is called to order.

Section 6

One-fourth of the voting members, either physically present or represented by proxy, constitute a quorum for the purposes of transacting business of NACLEC. If the meeting includes social or educational activities, such activities may be conducted even though a quorum is not present.

Section 7

The most recent edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall be the recognized authority governing all meetings when not in conflict with these bylaws.

ARTICLE IX: Finances

Section 1

The fiscal year of NACLEC shall be January 1 to December 31.

Section 2

All checks, drafts, notes, or other forms of payment of debts of NACLEC shall be handled in accordance with procedures established by the Executive Board.

Section 3

The Executive Board may accept on behalf of NACLEC, any contributions, gifts, or bequests for the general purposes or for any special purposes of NACLEC.

Section 4

NACLEC shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in the bylaws, and no part of said funds shall insure to the personal benefit of or be distributed to individual members of NACLEC.

ARTICLE X: Fees and Dues

Section 1

Annual membership dues for Voting Members shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) or such amount as established by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 2

Registration fees for annual or special meetings of NACLEC shall be in such amounts as determined by the Executive Board, provided that the notice of the registration fee shall be contained in the notice of the meeting.

Section 3

Annual dues are payable to NACLEC on or before March 1 of each calendar year.

ARTICLE XI: Eligibility Requirements for Association Officers and Executive Board Members

Section 1

In order to be eligible to serve as President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Past President or the At-Large Board Member of the Executive Board, a person must meet the following requirements: be a voting member as defined in ARTICLE I of these bylaws and receive a majority vote of the membership present at the annual meeting in which elections for office take place for a particular year.

Section 2

Unexpected vacancies in any office, except President, or member-at-large position shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Board. For a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall act as President until a successor is elected by a majority vote of the members at the next annual meeting.

Section 3

In addition to the officers and the At-Large Board Member elected by the membership, one representative from each of the Regional Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs’ Association,  shall serve as members of NACLEC’s Executive Board.

Section 4

Exceptions to the aforementioned requirements may be made by majority vote of the membership.

ARTICLE XII: Removal or Restriction from Membership

Regardless of classification of membership, and after a hearing before the Executive Board, a member may be removed for just cause. The Executive Board, with agreement from voting members, may decline or remove contributing or retiree membership from any person or organization that acts or represents views contrary to the mission and vision of the organization.


NACLEC may adopt bylaws not in conflict with the provisions of these bylaws.

ARTICLE XIV: Amendments

Any voting member may propose an amendment to these bylaws in writing to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall promptly notify the membership of the proposed amendment, and shall place it on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting of NACLEC. Bylaws may be repealed, altered or amended, or substitute bylaws adopted only by a four-fifths majority of the voting members present at a meeting where the item is on the agenda. All proposed amendments shall be eligible for consideration only if copies thereof have been submitted to each voting member not less than thirty days in advance of the annual meeting. The notice requirement in this section can be waived by a unanimous vote of the members present at the annual meeting.

ARTICLE XV: Dissolution of Association

In the event a two-thirds majority of the membership should vote to dissolve NACLEC, any equipment, materials, or supplies owned by NACLEC at the time of dissolution shall be disposed of in a manner to be provided by NACLEC and in compliance with applicable law.

ARTICLE XVI: Revisions

September 2012

September 2015

September 2017

September 2018